Meet.Talk all night,every night,and can't stop thinking one another...
All night...
Never felt better...

In love...

But then something happens.The feelings change...
No more sweaty plams ,and the butterflies in stomach are gone...
Mysteriously,it seems that the love is gone...

What happened?

I don't know...

It coming likes wind,also leaving likes wind...
I have no idea with it...
Just by the Valentine's Day...
I'm not sure whether it comes...
I don't want to make the same mistake just like before...
Maybe be a "Mr.lonely" is good too.
But...I want to make a change this year...
Not to be along...
Although I don't know
"what to do","how to do","when to do" even don't know "who"...

i believe you guys can understand what i want to expression...
because even "Dr.eye" can understand...
if you really can't...
open your "live"...

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